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Malik Zidi

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Biography, Drama, Music

A look at the lives of 19th-century composers Clara and Robert Schumann.

Version (Type)
A (B5)

Not rated yet

Drama, Fantasy, Horror

When an assistant to a daguerreotypy photographer falls in love with the latter's daughter the relationship mirrors the art form as love and pain combine.

Version (Type)
A (B5)

Not rated yet

Drama, Fantasy, Horror

When an assistant to a daguerreotypy photographer falls in love with the latter's daughter the relationship mirrors the art form as love and pain combine.

Version (Type)
B (B5)

Not rated yet

Biography, Drama, Romance

Focused on French painter Paul Gauguin's affair with a younger lady in Tahiti.

Version (Type)
A (B5)

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Biography, Drama, Romance

Focused on French painter Paul Gauguin's affair with a younger lady in Tahiti.

Version (Type)
B (B5)

Not rated yet

Comedy, Drama, Music

In 1970s Germany, a 50-year-old businessman falls in love with a 20-year-old man.

Version (Type)
A (B5)

Not rated yet