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Jack Thompson

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Biography, Crime, Drama

Based on real life events, Assassination is set in 1974 and centers on a businessman who decides to take extreme measures to achieve his American dream.

2005 release
Version (Type)
B (B5)

Not rated yet

Adventure, Drama

Patrick Foley has been on the move all his life. Tired of drifting, he wants to spend his last days in an isolated Australian valley where he grew up. On his difficult journey he meets Shawn, a little desperate city-boy whose parents were killed in an accident in this remote inhospitable territory. Being unable to accompany the boy back to the civilized world he reluctantly takes him with him on his trip to that valley and teaches him in a rugged way how to survive...

Version (Type)
A (B5)

Not rated yet

Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller

A visiting city reporter's assignment suddenly revolves around the murder trial of a local millionaire, whom he befriends.

Version (Type)
A (B5)

Not rated yet