3 chirashis found

Go-eun Kim

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A new born girl is placed in a coin operated locker in the subway station. The girl is raised by a mother who is the boss for a loan shark group. Later, when the girl has grown into a teen, she carries out missions given to her by her mother.

Version (Type)
A (B5)

Not rated yet

Action, Drama, History

While in medieval Korea, a young girl sets out to revenge the betrayal and the death of her mother. But therefore she must face one of the most powerful men and warriors of the Goryo Dynasty.

Version (Type)
A (B5)

Not rated yet

Action, Drama, History

While in medieval Korea, a young girl sets out to revenge the betrayal and the death of her mother. But therefore she must face one of the most powerful men and warriors of the Goryo Dynasty.

Version (Type)
B (B5)

Not rated yet