5 chirashis found

Masahiro Andô

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Animation, Comedy, Drama

The story about a girl whom her mother ran away with a lover so she went to live with her grandma whom she never knew in her hotel, then she found herself responsibile for all the work and to started a new life.

Version (Type)
A (B5)

Not rated yet

Action, Adventure, Animation

A swordsman from a strange land is caught in a struggle between morality, righteousness, and devotion as he reluctantly agrees to take a raggedy boy and his dog to a remote, Buddhist temple.

First release (2007)
Version (Type)
A (B5)

Not rated yet

Action, Adventure, Animation

A swordsman from a strange land is caught in a struggle between morality, righteousness, and devotion as he reluctantly agrees to take a raggedy boy and his dog to a remote, Buddhist temple.

First release (2007)
Version (Type)
B (B5)

Not rated yet

Action, Adventure, Animation

A swordsman from a strange land is caught in a struggle between morality, righteousness, and devotion as he reluctantly agrees to take a raggedy boy and his dog to a remote, Buddhist temple.

2012 Release
Version (Type)
A (B5)

Not rated yet

Animation, Science Fiction, Short

Version (Type)
A (B5)

Not rated yet