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Ringo Lam

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Action, Science Fiction, Thriller

Scientists create a genetic clone of a serial killer in order to help catch the killer, teaming up with two cops.

Version (Type)
A (B5)

Not rated yet

Action, Crime, Thriller

A security guard becomes embroiled in a battle to protect stem cell research, which can potentially cure cancer, from falling into the wrong hands.

Version (Type)
A (B5)

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Action, Drama, Romance, Thriller

The police are staking out a Hong Kong flat, waiting to catch some major gun-dealers. While the suppliers are conducting their deal, they move in. Both buyers are killed in the gunfire, but not their young daughter. The suppliers escape, and as their ruthless boss covers his tracks, he goes after the girl, the only witness. They trace her to a safe house, but are killed in the ensuing gunfight.

First release (1989)
Version (Type)
A (B5)

Not rated yet