5 chirashis found

Takeshi Watanabe

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Comedy, History

First release (2015)
Version (Type)
A (B5 gatefold)

Not rated yet

Comedy, Drama

A legendary ninja in the Kiryu Clan, Kenzan, engineers his disappearance in front of his ten-year old son, Kagerota, telling him that they will only meet again when Kagerota has grown up and polished his own ninja skills. Upon reaching maturity Kagerota has become a rogue ninja that is hunted by agents sent by the aged clan leader, Katsuragi, to get back the scroll Kenzan is thought to have taken with him which details how to shape-shift and vanquish enemies. Finding a cat that has a red nose like Kenzan, Kagerota deduces that his father has shape-shifted himself into the cat, so he calls it "Father" and begins to look after it as he dodges clan agents including the female ninjas Momiji and Tsubame.

First release (2017)
Version (Type)
A (B5 gatefold)

Not rated yet


The confrontation between younger brother Akira Miyamoto and older brother Atsushi Miyamoto on Higanjima.

Version (Type)
A (B5)

Not rated yet

Comedy, History

Masterless Samurai Kyutaro Madarame is hired by a dog-loving gang to get rid of their rival gang's beloved pet, an adorable white cat…

First release (2014)
Version (Type)
B (B5 gatefold)

Not rated yet

Comedy, History

Masterless Samurai Kyutaro Madarame is hired by a dog-loving gang to get rid of their rival gang's beloved pet, an adorable white cat…

First release (2014)
Version (Type)
C (B5)

Not rated yet