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Patrice Leconte

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Director Patrice Leconte weaves an impressionistic, sensorial tapestry of existence in and around early 21st-century Cambodia. Journeying through the country's farmlands, factories, streets and rural villages, camera-in-hand, Leconte glimpses the people and the elements of the landscape that make Cambodia so culturally specific, and gently contrasts modes of life found there.

Version (Type)
A (B5)

Not rated yet

Comedy, Drama, Romance

One night, a fading entertainer intervenes when a woman contemplates suicide, beginning a strange, unpredictable relationship.

Version (Type)
A (B5)

Not rated yet

Comedy, Drama, Romance

Antoine has always been fascinated with a hairdresser's delicate touch, the beguiling perfume and the figure of a woman with an opulent bosom, moreover, he knew that he would marry one, fulfilling his dream of a perfect and idealised love.

2011 release
Version (Type)
A (B5)

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Drama, Romance

A handyman in a 1940s Paris brothel tries to help the prostitute he loves with her singing career and romantic life.

2003 release
Version (Type)
A (B5)

Not rated yet

Crime, Drama, Romance, Thriller

A recluse is accused of murdering a young woman simply because his neighbors think he is strange.

1992 release
Version (Type)
A (B5)

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Drama, Romance

Version (Type)
A (B5)

Not rated yet

Animation, Comedy, Musical

A family-run shop that sells everything you need to take your own life finds it hard to focus on business after a new baby - one who makes everyone around him happy - is born into the family.

Version (Type)
B (B5)

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